Own To It! It Is Part of Who You Are.

The lovely Elise at Cheers Y'all is having a link up and I love the idea about it.  It is about "owning it".  Owning your story, likes/dislikes, what makes you happy or sad, what makes your life your own.  And I love it so much that I decided to join her.  Here is my list.

  • People who tell me "eventually it will get better" about my dad dying last year make me want to lose my mind.  It will not get better-- he was my dad not some random person.
  • I have not been to church but twice since dad died last year.  It is not that I do not love God-- HE knows I do.  I just feel disconnected in some level I cannot pinpoint.  So for now I do my prayers/devotionals at home between Him and me.
  • I am the "jump to the worse conclusion" first kind of girl.  Then I get myself all worked up for nothing most of the time.
  • It has been really hard to be completely happy about my selection for promotion when so many of my friends did not.  
  • I love my dog more than I love some friends... or some relatives.  
  • I let my dog sleep in my bed every night... which will be interesting when David and I get married :)
  • I am a member of the Crazy Dog Lady club. :-)  For example sometimes my dog sleeps so soundly that I am afraid he is not breathing and I have to check.
  • I do not like change.  The other day I started thinking about moving to Arizona, the new job, the wedding planning and then moving to Minnesota... and got all nervous.  But one thing that keeps me moving forward with peace, Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
  • I love Crossfit! Probably even more than I am loving running right now. 
  • I could polish off a whole box of Krispy Kremes by myself.  Which is how I celebrated my promotion: champagne and KK!!!  Best day ever!
  • When I get bored I move furniture around.  I think it drives my dog crazy.  On a related subject, I like things organized and tidy YET I cannot accomplish that with my closet. 
  • I miss my mommy in NC and I don't care who knows it!  She is my BFF and I love that about our relationship... plus she has great style.
  • I love David with all my heart.  Not just the kind of "oh he is handsome and hot" kind of love (although I do think so about him) but it is more than that.  It is respect, admiration and pride.  It is the kind that makes me want to make him happy without expecting anything in return.  Although I know my happiness and that of his kids are at the top of the list.  Every time I look at him I cannot believe how fortunate I am that he asked me to be his wife.  Ok, gushing over. :-)

And there you have it!  It's about owning it, my friends.

Also sharing with:  Thankful Thursday.  Little Things Thursday. Whatever Is Lovely.  The Weekend BrewSharing His BeautyThe Sunday CommunityCoffee For Your Heart.


  1. Stopping by from Elise's link up! Love your list, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Maria,
    Enjoyed reading your list! I don't like change either but yes, God changes our minds when we follow his plans for us. Stopping by from Holley's link-up today!

  3. I am in much agreement with BB and me and my two grown sized children just did a 12 pack of KK, right here in the heart of Tennessee.

  4. I am so that person with my dogs too :)
    I am the jump to worst conclusions person myself... I can build up any horrible circumstance in a blink of an eye.

    1. You know who gets a kick out of my crazy dog lady routine? David...lol. He is like "honey, Jack is ok." Yes, Jack is not going to die for eating half a corn on the cob". But I can't help it.
